Welcome to the lair of a little creature who just wants to drink choocy milk

Here are my social medias and video places!

Choose where you wanna go!

Hehe it's a choose your own adventure

Working on this!

Both of these designs are me! I can take many forms!

"Somewhere out there, in the far away reaches of both our world, and the next..."

"Gentle are the waves that ripple through the seas. Bright are the stars that blanket these waters from the galaxies above."

"In between the celestial bodies, formed from their energies, a new life is born, heralded by the moon's glow..."

"A life which wanders the boundaries of illusion and reality."

But enough about all of that weird cryptic stuff!

Hiya! I'm Azure! Just your normal everyday shapeshifting dream walker!

Let's go on lots of adventures, and discover lots of different worlds together!

For the sake of your happy dreams, I'll do my very best!